
Happy Halloween - Halloweenspecial

I wish you all a HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

Ich wünsche allen Lesern:

H A P P Y - H A L L O W E E N !!

Gratis free eCards you can send ::HERE:: (neu seit 27.8.08)

Kostenlose Halloween Grusskarten könnt ihr ::HIER:: versenden.

Free Photoshop Halloween Brushes, Halloween Decor Pictures (PSD), Halloween Blinkies, Halloween Free Fonts, Halloween Shapes and more you can download HERE

Im Halloweenspecial könnt ihr eucht free Photoshop Halloween-Goodies downloaden.


Download Adobe Photoshop CS2 Help package Update

This update contains the Adobe® Photoshop® CS2 Help package that needs to be installed if you receive the following error message when trying to access the Photoshop CS2 Help files:

"The topic you want to view applies to a CS2 product you have not installed."

For additional information, see Technical Document #319210.
Download and
Installation instructions


Neues CS2 Helppackage update erhältlich für die englische CS2 Version wenn folgende Fehlermeldung angezeigt wird:
"The topic you want to view applies to a CS2 product you have not installed."
Download und Installationsanleitung
lg Funny


Photoshop Action Puzzle Tutorial

Ingve Likness added new Tutorials on his website. Puzzle Action basic tutorial and Puzzle Action advanced tutorial with the Action.

On his website you can find also:
Free Photoshop compatible borders, along with great tutorials on using Photoshop to incorporate them into projects. Learn to make your pictures look like they are part of a film strip with the Film Strip Action gallery. Learn to make your own edge effects with included doityourself edges. Use borders to add some flashy effects to your photos and learn to make text effects with Photoshop.

Photoshop Action Puzzle Tutorial

Ingve Likness hat auf seiner Webseite 2 neue Photoshop Action Tutorials hinzugefügt, sowie die fertigen Actions.
Dort findet ihr außerdem: free Photoshop kompatible Photorahmen/Borders mit großartigen Tutorial, wie man diese in Bildprojekte einfügt anhand Photoshop. Man lernt dort, wie man eignen Effektborder erstellt, die man dann anschaulich auf eigene Photos anwenden kann. Texteffekt Tutorials sowie Tutorials um einen kompletten Photo Filmstreifen zu erstellen,
so als ob die Photos aussehen als seien sie ein Teil des Filmstreifens. Filmstrip-Action und andere Actions findet man auf seiner Website.
lg Funny


Photoshop World of Filters - about 2000 Filters / Datenbank mit 2000 Filter

If you use Adobe Photoshop, or any other bitmap-edition software which is able to use Photoshop-compatible plugins, you may already be a plugin addict. As you know there are so many available plugins, including many free ones, that having them organised can be a serious issue. Not to mention remembering what you can actually do with each filter. A website like Grafnet is very helpful for this: they have a comprehensive list of plugins, and you can see the results of each one in a sample image.
GRAFNET offers only filters descriptions not the plugins themselves but you can see here above twothousand filters in action!

Die großartige Filter-Datenbank von GRAFNET zeigt von über 2000 Photoshop Filtern die jeweilige Filteranwendung einzeln als Vorschau.

Es werden diverse Filter vorgestellt, wie z.B. Eyecandy, Xero, Photomatik, Gallery Effects, KPT, Nils Filters, Rosenmann, Screen Works und viel viel mehr...

Eine tolle mühevoll erarbeitete Filter Datenbank.
lg Funny

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